
You’ve loved movies since before you can remember. You’ve worked countless sleepless nights shooting movies, writing scripts, and editing shorts. Now that you’ve graduated and  you want to show the world what you have to bring to the table. But where to start? How do I raise the money? What have other successful micro-budget feature films done to be successful? How can I make sure that people will actually see this thing when it’s all said in done? Oftentimes new filmmakers are stuck on an island, having to each learn the same hard lessons with no one to guide them.  We hope to make of this website not only a compilation of the research we’ve done into successful micro-budget features and our own observations as we set out to create our first feature film, but also a place for discussion and collaboration for filmmakers who have done or want to do Micro-budget Features. Our goal is to make a place where upstart filmmakers can share their thoughts and ideas, resources and connections, observations and hard learned lessons. Because the truth is we are not on an island by ourselves. We are in the same boat. Welcome to MicroBudgetFeatures.com.


Was born in Medellin, Colombia, where he grew up and developed his passion for film. He completed the University of Antioquia, filmmaking program in 2004. In 2005 he move to the United States to pursue an education as a film Director. In 2007, he received an Associate in Arts degree with the highest honors from Miami-Dade College and transferred to the University of Miami. There, he graduated magna cum laude in 2009 with a bachelor’s degree in Motion Pictures and Economics. Following graduation, Felipe was offered a full scholarship for grad school at the same institution. He is currently finishing a MFA in film production with emphasis in Micro Budget filmmaking. Felipe has directed music videos, commercials, and short films, including “The Silence of Mai,” “Escape” and “Émigré”. “EL EMPANTANADO” will be his opera prima.


Born and raised in Newport, Rhode Island, Maggie moved to Miami in 2005 to study Finance and Entrepreneurship at the University of Miami School of Business Administration. Although her learning experience was rewarding, her craving for the creative motivated a switch to the University of Miami School of Communication where she produced 5 short films and received a Bachelor’s degree in Motion Picture and Economics. Upon graduation, she received a full scholarship to continue her education M.F.A in Producing. While completing her Masters, Maggie founded CineStation Entertainment L.L.C, which continues to produce professional yet affordable content for local clientele. Maggie has worked for various film festivals for the past 8 years and currently serves as the Programming Director for the Miami Short Film Festival, where she is exposed to fresh content from around the world, and practices her knack for spotting up-and-coming talent and the truly unique story.